Nytt APS-C kamera
Publisert 22.08.2020 11:02

Hi everyone! I’m Shigeru Wakashiro, in charge of the planning and development of new PENTAX digital SLR camera products.
Today I’d like to update you on the progress of a new K-mount APS-C-format digital SLR flagship camera, which is now under development.
Shigeru Wakashiro (Product Planning)
After joining Asahi Optical Co., Ltd., PENTAX's predecessor company, he worked as an image processing researcher to develop a three-dimensional measurement system for a new business at that time. Since transferring to the camera business in 2003, Wakashiro has been in charge of product planning, mainly with lens-interchangeable cameras.

It’s very important for us to produce cameras that can deliver excellent results, but at the same time, we want to design cameras that give you the most fun and excitement in your picture-taking.
In this new model, we have paid careful attention to every detail, including its easy-to-view optical viewfinder and superb operability, two elements that are so important for both viewing comfort and camera handling when you’re taking photos.
While the K-3 II’s viewfinder window is almost on the same plane as the LCD panel on the camera’s back panel, the new model’s window protrudes from its LCD panel by nearly 3.2 millimeters.
While the K-3 II’s viewfinder window is almost on the same plane as the LCD panel on the camera’s back panel, the new model’s window protrudes from its LCD panel by nearly 3.2 millimeters.
This prevents your nose from coming in contact with the LCD panel and lets you look into the viewfinder from a more natural position.

Here is the eye sensor, positioned just below the viewfinder window.
When you look into the viewfinder, the sensor detects this action and dims the LCD panel so that it doesn’t obstruct your view.
Although some older models had a function that let you turn the LCD screen off by depressing the shutter-release button halfway down, we decided to use this new automated eye sensor technology for the first time at PENTAX. We thought this would let the photographer completely concentrate on the photography, from the moment they first look into the viewfinder.
We’re now moving ahead with the new camera’s development by asking a simple question at every stage of our work: what camera can optimize the fun and excitement of photography, so the photographer will enjoy every moment of picture-taking?