Kan brukes sammen med følgende Pentax kameraer:
K-3 III/KP/K-3/K-5II/K-5IIs/K-5/K-S2/K-S1/K-50/K-500/K-r/645D og 645Z
En allsidig GPS-enhet for Pentax systemkameraer.
Den nye GPS-enheten gir ikke bare grunnleggende stedsdata, den har også en rekke funksjoner som forenkler sporing og fotografering av himmellegemer.
O-GPS1 monteres på kameraets blitssko hvor man kan lagre latitud, longitud, altitud og UTC-tid som metadata i bilder. GPS stedsdata gjør det enkelt å sortere og arkivere bildene ut i fra de steder de er tatt.
Værbestandig konstruksjon for bruk i lett regn samt egen strømkilde (AAA-batteri), noe som eliminerer behovet for strømforsyning fra kamerahuset.
Astroracer er en funksjon som beregner bevegelsen på stjerner, planeter og andre himmellegemer ved hjelp av aktuell latitud og kameraets retning (horisontal og vertikal vinkel). Data til disse beregningene genereres av kameraets akselerasjonssensor, som siden flytter kameraets bildesensor for å synkronisere med himmellegemenes bevegelser. Resultatet blir at himmellegemene avbildes som faste punkter i stedet for utydelige streker som ellers blir resultatet ved lange eksponeringstider. Dermed trenger man kun ett stativ, og behovet for et ekvatorialteleskop bortfaller.
Enkel navigering
Enkel navigering er en funksjon som beregner retning og avstand til et gitt motiv. Man kan dermed lokalisere motivene sine med hjelp av stedsdata i bildene. Slike data kan også legges inn i ettertid ved å laste opp stedsdata skapt av en PC.
Elektronisk kompass
Det elektroniske kompasset på O-GPS1 viser kameraets retning på en LCD-skjerm med stor presisjon. Ved å bruke jordens magnetfelt i kombinasjon med stedsdata, kan enheten indikere plassering i relasjon til den geografiske nordpolen. Dermed kan man lagre data om kameraets retning i bildene.
Simply by mounting the O-GPS1 onto the hotshoe of a PENTAX digital SLR camera,* the user can record the latitude, longitude, altitude, universal time coordinated (UTC) and aspect of shooting locations onto captured images. Image files carrying GPS location data, can be used to track shooting locations and review location data on a PC. GPS location data stored on such files also makes it much easier to sort and file recorded images.
By coupling GPS data with the camera’s SR (Shake Reduction) system, the unit offers a range of unique, advanced applications, including ASTROTRACER, Simple Navigation and Electronic Compass.
GPS function for effortless recording of shooting location data
The O-GPS1 mounts on the hotshoe of a compatible camera and records the latitude, longitude, altitude, universal time coordinated (UTC) and direction of the shooting location onto captured images. Using mapping software such as Google Earth™, the user can easily recall shooting locations and directions on a map. This function is very helpful later in sorting and filing the recorded images.
Note: When the O-GPS1 is used in locations where it cannot receive signals from GPS satellites, location data may be in error or missing.
ASTROTRACER for effortless astronomical photography
When mounted on the PENTAX K-5 or K-r camera body, the O-GPS1 also offers the advanced ASTROTRACER function,** which couples the unit with the camera’s SR (Shake Reduction) system for the effortless tracking and photographing of celestial bodies. The unit calculates the movement of stars, planets, and other bodies using the latitude obtained from GPS data and the camera’s alignment data (horizontal and vertical inclinations and aspect) obtained from its magnetic and acceleration sensors, then shifts the camera’s image sensor in synchronization with the movement of the objects.*** As the result, stars and other bodies are captured as solid points rather than blurry streaks, even during extended exposures. It also makes astronomical photography much simpler, as it requires only a tripod and eliminates the need for an additional accessory such as an equatorial telescope.
** This function is available only when the O-GPS1 is mounted on a PENTAX digital SLR camera body equipped with a magnet-driven SR system.
*** The duration of ASTROTRACER operation may vary depending on photographic conditions.
Simple Navigation to indicate location data to a destination
The O-GPS1 offers a Simple Navigation function, which calculates the direction and distance to a given destination from the current position. The user can either locate destinations using location data stored on recorded images, or register and/or assign them by uploading location data created on a PC.****
**** At the time of purchase, the O-GPS1 has nine PENTAX international service centres as pre-set destinations.
Electronic Compass function to indicate and record direction
The O-GPS1 comes equipped with an Electronic Compass function, which displays the camera’s direction on its LCD monitor with great precision. Using the aspect of geomagnetism detected by its magnetic sensor and GPS location data, the unit indicates the aspect in relation to true north. The user can also record directional data on captured images.
Other features
1) Simplified weather-resistant construction for use in light rain
2) Independent power source (one AAA-size battery) to eliminate
the need for power supply from the camera body
♦ PENTAX, K-5, K-r, and 645D are trademarks of HOYA CORPORATION.
♦ Google and Google Earth are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc.
♦ All other brands or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
♦ Design and Specifications are subject to change without notice.